Images from Death Note: The Musical for both the Japanese and Korean productions. Light is double-cast in both the 2015 and 2017 Japanese productions, portrayed by both Kenji Urai and Hayato Kakizawa. He was portrayed by Hong Kwang Ho in the 2015 Korean production, and by Han Ji Sang in the 2017 Korean production.
Japanese 2015 production[]
Japanese 2015 production photo, L and both Lights (Kenji Urai, left; and Hayato Kakizawa, right)
Kenji Urai as Light (Tokyo, 2015)
Hayato Kakizawa as Light (Tokyo, 2015)
Korean 2015 production[]
Hong Kwang Ho as Light, photoshoot
Korean 2015 production poster of Light and L
Korean 2015 production photoshoot
Hong Kwang Ho as Light with main cast, Korean 2015 photoshoot